Advice For Author-Illustrators
Be Encouraged - Even During Those Bleak Moments Of “Blah”
There WILL be days where you approach your work, and you will simply feel . . .
Dear Wanting To Become A Children’s Book Author Illustrator
Many wonder how to embark on the path of becoming a children's book creator. This question . . .
The Ikigai Principle Serves As A Compass For Your Body Of Work
Oftentimes, when we begin our author-illustrator career, it can get difficult to know . . .
Dear Author-Illustrator - Be Encouraged To Move At Least One Thought Closer To Your Goals Each Day
I want to encourage you today, to use the minutes that you have to spare to become at least . . .
I See SHAPE-Illustration Ideas EVERYWHERE!
As an author-illustrator, one of my favorite things to do is to look at abstract tiles, paintings, and textured walls to . . .
Rest - the Perfect Compliment To Creativty
Sometimes my to-do list gets crazy long, and the day flies by before I know it. I'll glance at the clock and bam . . .
Be Encouraged To Let Your Inner Light Shine
Please understand that the work we do comes from within.
It’s our gift, voice, purpose, and light to shine out into the world of . .
PLAY and It’s Role In Making Me Better At My Craft
What I truly adore about illustrating and perfecting my craft is the chance to explore, experiment, and create with . .
Dear Fellow Author/Illustrator - Let’s Celebrate Taking The Small Steps
Dear fellow author/illustrator, I’m here to encourage you.
Growing your skills in both writing and illustration is a journey that . .
“The 100 Things I Love To Draw” Challenge (Remix)
There is so much about the illustration process that brings me joy! Studying shapes, light, and . . .
My Illustration Process - And The Role Of Curiosity
Often times when I create, I’m mesmerized by the story that emerges. Often I start off an image with . . .
My Illustration Process - And The Role Of Experimentation
As a STEM professional, my college journey began with a bright-eyed enthusiasm for Chemical Engineering. During my studies, I . . .